ART075 Electric Stacker Truck

Powered  work positioner is a common general purpose power lift stacker, which can make quick work of large quantities of moving and lifting jobs especially in narrow aisles and confined spaces, mainly used in pharmaceutical, catering, packing line, food processing, warehouse, office, kitchens, laboratories, retail outlets, etc... Feel free to send us email to tell us more about your requirements; we will reply you in 24 hours.

Accessoris E150R per al posicionador de treball i-lift

Tipus d'apilador:

Com a fabricant d’un apilador professional des de fa molts anys, hem desenvolupat diversos tipus d’apiladors, com ara apiladors de forquilla, apiladors elèctrics, posicionadors de treballs semiatrics, apiladors de mà, apiladors elèctrics, etc.

Accessoris E150R per a detalls del posicionador de treball i-lift

Paràmetre tècnic del posicionador de treball:

Capacitat (kg)150
Centre de càrrega (mm)235
Alçada de forquilla (min-max) (mm)130-1500
Mida de la plataforma (mm)470*600
Mida total (mm)870*600*1790
Bateria24V / 12Ah
Pes net (kg)63

Accessoris E150R per a la mida del posicionador de treball i-lift




Q: How long is the warranty of the work positioner.

A: There is a one year warranty, and you can get free parts within one year from you get it.

Q: Can I use a longer platform with this work positioner?

A: We do not recommend using a longer platform with this unit, as the load center will be further away reducing capacity. If you really need a long platform, please contact us for a new program.Thank you.

Q: Can I buy parts for this work positioner?

A: Of course,all parts can be sold separately for the work positioner.

Q: How long the charge lasts, how long it takes to recharge, expected battery life, cost of replacement battery & does it come have an onboard battery?

A: A full charge will last at least 100 times fully loaded operation, it will usually take 4-6 hour to charge. The battery should last for 3-5 year, cost around $250 - $350 for the replacement battery, yes it includes an onboard battery.

Q: Does this positioner stacker has other capacity? Or can I have more high lift?

A: Yes ,we have different models with different capacity and lifting height of this stacker, you can let us know the real capacity and lifting height you need.

Q: Can it manually operate if the battery ran out of juice?

A: Sorry this lift cannot manually operate.

Q: Can I change the positioner to other attachments?

A: Yes, of course, but you have to choose our optional attachments for this stacker and we do not suggest you to change it to your own attachments which may not be supported. We can provide several optional attachments like spindle, double spindle,reel rotator and even V block, fork with hook, ball transfer and so on. So, please let us know if you have any idea and we can provide you with professional technical support.

Les funcions del posicionador de treball:

Lleuger, altament maniobrable
Ideal per a passadissos estrets i espais reduïts.
Perfecte per a totes les aplicacions des de productes farmacèutics fins a càtering, des de la línia d’embalatge fins al processament d’aliments, des de magatzems fins a oficines, cuines, laboratoris, punts de venda, etc ...
El sistema de protecció automàtica de sobrecàrrega electrònica garanteix la seguretat. Bateries segures i gratuïtes de manteniment, carregadors automàtics
Hi ha disponibles adjuntes de canvi ràpid.
El sistema de frenat automàtic evita la baixada descontrolada

Stacker Accessories

Servei post-venda:

a) Cada equip ve amb instruccions de especificació
b) 1 any de garantia limitada
c) Hem estat en la fabricació de llocs de treball durant molts anys. I tenim un equip de servei post-venda professional i perfecte.


Before use:

  1. Check if the hydraulic line leaks oil
  2. Check that each support wheel is working properly.
  3. Check the energy meter on the instrument panel. It is strictly forbidden to use without electricity.
  4. Press the up and down buttons to check if the semi-electric's lifting and lowering movements are normal.



  1. It is strictly forbidden to press the up or down button while the stacker is walking;
  2. It is forbidden to switch the rising and falling buttons quickly and frequently.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to load heavy objects on the fork quickly.
  4. No overloading is allowed
  5. When using, make sure that the center of gravity of the goods is at the center of the two forks
  6. It is strictly forbidden to place the goods on the fork for a long time.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to place any person and any part of the body under the fork and carrying heavy objects.

Semi-electric stacker charging considerations:

  1. The charging environment of the light semi-electric stacker is mainly clean, ventilated, and the battery can be taken out or the cover of the light semi-electric stacker can be opened if conditions permit;
  2. The electrolyte level of the light semi-electric stacker should be 15mm higher than the partition. Below this scale line, the electrolyte should be added in time to prevent the battery from losing electricity and affect the battery life of the light semi-electric stacker. The temperature of the electrolyte shall not exceed 45 degrees during charging;
  3. It is not possible to expose the open flame when charging the light semi-electric stacker. Because the battery will generate a lot of flammable gas during charging, the light semi-electric stacker will prevent fire during charging.
  4. Light semi-electric stacker should avoid skin and acid contact during charging. If there is contact, use plenty of soapy water or consult a doctor.
  5. The battery should be kept clean and dry in peacetime. It is not allowed to put other objects on the battery of the light semi-electric stacker;
  6. Waste batteries of light semi-electric stackers should be disposed of in accordance with national environmental protection laws.

Fabricant apilador:

Com a fabricant professional de diversos tipus de productes de manipulació i elevació de materials, el posicionador de treball és un dels nostres principals productes. A més, també podem fabricar diversos tipus de transpaletes, apiladors, taules elevadores, carretons elevadors, grues, etc. Si desitgeu adquirir un camió elevador de posicionament de treballs d’oficina elèctrics, podeu enviar-nos un correu electrònic des d’aquesta pàgina per obtenir el pressupost. I si esteu interessats en els nostres altres productes, us convidem a posar-vos en contacte amb nosaltres per correu electrònic o altres maneres que apareguin a la pàgina. Us contestarem en 24 hores.

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