ART014 Patins per a rotllos rotatius


This Roller machine skates is an excellent tool for warehousing, distribution, transportation that are requested to move many large heavy items.Manufactured from steel to provide a robust and heavy-duty solution to moving machinery and other heavy objects up to 2tonnes (4400lbs).It is equipped with 3 special non-marking rollers that could360 degree rotation improves work efficiency and safety.


This Roller machine skates is an excellent tool for warehousing, distribution, transportation that are requested to move many large heavy items.Manufactured from steel to provide a robust and heavy-duty solution to moving machinery and other heavy objects up to 3tonnes (6600lbs).It is equipped with 4 special non-marking rollers that could360 degree rotation improves work efficiency and safety.


This Roller machine skates is an excellent tool for warehousing, distribution, transportation that are requested to move many large heavy items.Manufactured from steel to provide a robust and heavy-duty solution to moving machinery and other heavy objects up to 4tonnes (8800lbs).It is equipped with 5 special non-marking rollers that could360 degree rotation improves work efficiency and safety.

Types of Roller Machine Skates

Roller Machine skates  Machine moving skates  Load Moving Skates

Machinery Moving Skates Machine moving dollies


  • Heavy Duty Dolly Structure with Top Plate.
  • Rugged all-steel construction, more durable
  • 360 Degree Rotating Rollers Provide with Maximum Maneuverability.
  • Ideal for using in professional and industrial environments
Capacitat de càrregaKg (lb)2200 lliures4400 lliures6600 lliures
No. Of Rollers345
PU Rollermm (polzada)Ø80*70(3*2.8)
Alçadamm (polzada)110(4.4)
Amplemm (polzada)500(20)470(18.5)585(23)
Depthmm (polzada)410(16.1)410(16.1)510(20.1)
Pad Diametermm (polzada)165(6.5)
Pes per a l'enviamentKg (lb)25(55)29.6(66)37(81.4)


Servei post-venda:

  1. Cada equip ve amb instruccions de especificació.
  2. Garantia limitada d’un any (no inclou accessoris / parts consumibles).
  3. Personal de servei post-venda professional.
  4. Suport de recanvis.

Roller Machine Skatesmanufacturer:

Com a fabricant professional de diversos tipus de productes de manipulació i elevació de materials, machine moving skatesés un dels nostres principals productes. A més, també podem fabricar diversos tipus de transpaletes, apiladors, taules elevadores, carretons elevadors, grues, etc. Si voleu comprar això load moving skates, podeu enviar-nos un correu electrònic o altres maneres enumerades a la pàgina.

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